Other Media

This page features 2D works made with various media

Tango with death.jpg

Tango With Death

Medium: spray paint on glossy foam board
Size: 108x 78
Spanish culture- Argentinian Tango, graffiti

Tango with Death represents the thrill people find in dangerous situations and the way they respond to problems and life-threatening events. The skeleton is symbol for Death; seductive, dominating and dangerous. The red colour of the woman’s dress represents the act of being alive. In the background on the left side is a guitarist that represents Life itself in terms of events- Death dances to the music of Life and the woman has to follow Death while maintaining her own independence. The interaction between the two is very intimate, yet the woman rejects Death. The Argentinian Tango is a perfect way to describe their  relationship since it has a few basic steps but is based on intuition and improvising, which means that the next step of the leader (Death) is not predictable and is in the hands of the follower (woman) to make sure the dance goes on.


Anatomical Studies


Individual Work Book (2013-15)