Workshop with Pascale Pollier

At the end of February 2020, we were honoured to have a workshop with Pascale Pollier who visited us at the University of Dundee.

Pascal is currently the president of AEMIS (Association Europeenes des Illustrateurs Medicaux et Scienfiques) and was kind enough to show us the process behind some of her work.

The day consisted of a lecture delivered by Pascale about her work, studies and early career, but also her collaborations with other artists, founding artistic bodies, and her own artistic processes. The second half of the day was especially helpful, as she demonstrated modelling of a face of a human baby on a plastic skull and painting of a wax hand that looked extremely realistic.

For more information about Pascale Pollier and her art, please visit her website:

Below are photographs taken from the workshop


Week of Visits


Annie Campbell