Plenér 2020

Plenér 2020

Had a great time at the annual Plenér, a week of workshops organised by the Faculty of Informatics at the Masaryk University. This year’s guests were Petr Cikhart and Sebastian Duthy, the cinematographer and the editor of the documentary movie ‘Blindsight’ (2006). While the assignments focused mainly on filmography and photography which ended in a student film night, other workshops included landscape and  life drawing, textiles, ink work, black and white photography, making simple diy cameras, sound processing, film pre and post production, programming, visiting the Gask Gallery (third photo: ‘Noc’ by Michal Cimala), and a presentation by a video game animator/ rigger. It was great to get an insight into the coding side of digital art and to learn from workshops led by both, students and experts in their field.


Plenér 2021


Week of Visits